What is a Singapore Employment Pass?
Singapore Employment Pass (EP) is a type of work visa that is designed for managers, executives, specialists and other skilled professionals who wish to work in Singapore. Singapore Ministry of Manpower (MOM) also accept entrepreneurs to apply for an EP after they have incorporated a company in Singapore. This enables them to relocate to Singapore in order to run company operations. There is no official quota for the EP.
You can easily travel in and out of Singapore without any hassle. After you have set up your company, your Singapore Employment Pass application can be processed with SG Payroll.
At our end, we will provide you with a complimentary in-depth analysis of your probability to obtain approval in the Employment Pass Application.
Who Qualifies for Employment Pass?
- Obtained a job offer in Singapore.
- Work in a managerial, executive or specialized job.
- Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least SGD $3,600
- Have acceptable qualifications, usually a good university degree, professional qualifications or specialize skill.
The validity of an Employment Pass
The validity of an EP varies and are as follows:
- First-time applicants – up to 2 years
- EP renewals – up to 3 years
What Documents That You Need To Prepare?
- A duly filled Employment Pass Application Form 8 endorsed by the employer
- A personal page of the applicant’s passport
- Applicant’s resume detailing his work experience
- Testimonial or References by previous companies
- Latest business profile (ACRA)
- A detailed description of the services/products and its business plan of the employing company.
- Applicant’s detailed job description
- Applicant’s educational certificates.
Additional documents are required if the applicant is from:
- India – transcripts and marksheets
- China – verification proof for diploma and above qualifications (Education certificates certified by a notary public are not accepted as a form of verification proof)
NOTE: All documents submitted must be in English. If any documents are not in English, it must be translated into English and attached with the original documents.